Mikey could hear the distant sounds of his mother's record player in the living room. The serene guitar melodies drifted down the hall and slipped into his bedroom door, which was slightly ajar. The music wrapped itself around his head, flowing in and out of his ears as he blew smoke out of his window, watching it drift a few feet into the air before being dispersed completely by the wind.
"See now, this - this is real music, Michael."
His mother had popped her head inside his door, wearing yellow rubber gloves and holding a bucket in one hand, her face slightly rosy and dewy with sweat. She always put on her old records when she was cleaning the house. Very seldom did she actually sing along, though Mikey knew for certain that she had every last word memorized.
"You know they make stereos now, ma? Machines you can actually just hook your iPod up to and play all the music you want?"
"It sounds better like this," his mother insisted, raising her free hand to wipe the perspiration from her forehead. "And much better than that rap, hip-hop garbage you and your friends like to blast in the car all damn day. You'd realize it if you weren't smoking on that pot all day long, you know."
"Yeah, yeah...." Mikey threw the last of the soggy roach out of his window and reached over to the desk next to his bed for his headphones.